
the TechHigh

so recently, my computer has been on the fritz because of a freak spyware/adware/virus/torjan/whatever attack. i had to backup all of my crap and reformat my 80GB drive in my laptop because of it. in the downtime from when i started the XP installation to when it finished formatting the drive (somewhere between 40 minutes to an hour and 15) i browsed the Dell support forums...and all of this got me thinking:

we have all of this high-tech knowledge of hardware, software, firmware and floppyware (i made that up...lol); yet someone has so far failed to make a marketable computer that doesnt crash, doesnt get effected by spyware and crap, doesnt need to be upgraded every 6 months, doenst eat up your RAM, doesnt take 2GB off your hard drive just to run (actually, i wouldnt really care how big it is, as long as i have room on my compy to do what i need to...), and doesnt cost $120 a box.


because of people like Microsoft. they insist on making inferior software and forcing the masses to use it just because they own or have contracts on all of the software developer's souls. Windows is not an operating system. it is a virus that people pay to get. remeber the days of MS-DOS or windows 3.1? do you ever remember your computer having problems? and if it did, there wasnt anything that a simple reboot couldnt fix. what happened? well, nothing really. and thats the problem. Microsoft doenst put out software that works well with the latest hardware, when they write their own software that is.

Microsoft was founded on stolen ideas and software. i dont say stolen as in theif/legal/jail/dont drop the soap kind of stolen; but stolen as in unoriginal or copied. Bill Gates used to work at IBM back in the day, and when IBM acquired the DOS operating system from Xerox, Gates was tasked with porting it from the Xerox platform to the IBM platform. when IBM decided to can the project, Gates left with 'his' DOS code and started.....you guessed it....Microsoft. under the name MS-DOS, he sold the OS on brand new PC's, thus starting America's slavery to the TechHigh that it caused. Windows is the drug and Microsoft is the dealer. someone needs to drive by and cap the dealer. Microsoft, aka the Evil Empire, needs to be stopped.

they purposely sell buggy and unsecure software. a good example would be Windows XP. the day it was released, they released several security updates for it...THE SAME DAY. that tells me that someone at MS is looking the other way when it comes to security, and that its all about the money (big suprise...).

anyway...enough ranting...its bed time for me.

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